Thursday, November 10, 2011

This is like a salad. Too many ingredients.

Hello everyone. No rants here because I know I have already shared my qualms about this semester's nightmarish schedule.

Tomorrow, Ateneo is celebrating teacher's day and classes are waived. I decided, because it is a special day, I must avoid spending it half-asleep in the dormitory. I plan to go to Recto tomorrow with a friend to scout for school books. I'm still doing the get-everything-for-cheap thing and I might score some at Recto tomorrow.

The week has been survived with the help of caffeine. Thank you God for coffee beans.

BTW, I got my iPod back from Iloilo and I am having a joyous reunion with portable music libraries.

I am now listening to the album Donkey, a pop/rock/electronic album by the group CSS. I suggest you try them out. Here is the first song out of the album:

So, I'll be bringing my camera tomorrow.

When the sun sets, it will be time for Rock for Juan. I will be seeing  people I have always wanted to see in 3D live. I must practice poise and sanity tomorrow morning, may they be stronger than the fanboy in me and that they do not break in these coming testing tides.

I went into the Rizal Library today, a place I definitely am thankful for, and borrowed for myself two Sylvia Plath books. I just love her poetry and recently, I have accepted poetry into my life. Good decision. (Except that its nagging me about the time when I wanted to choose taking a Comparative Literature program over anything else. But I'm sure about pre-med.)

"Ariel" was the last collection of poems she wrote before she committed suicide. "The Collected Poems" is an anthology edited by her ex-husband - which through several heartbreaking circumstances could have drawn her deeper into her depression. Poets, rarely are they happy. But the honesty in the oftentimes vague words are so true its almost as if I'm reading emotions off paper.

Here is a poem by her that I really like. Its the one written on the cover of my Chemistry notebook:

If you dissect a bird
To diagram the tongue
You'll cut the chord
Articulating song. 
If you flay a beast
To marvel at the mane
You'll wreck the rest
From which the fur began.
If you pluck out the heart
To find what makes it move,
You'll halt the clock
That syncopates our love.

Tragic. But not violent. The things we have to break for comforting information.

The mood graph is recording a constant supply of optimism, the forecast looks good. Maybe its the coffee or I'm just being successful at keeping an upbeat mood.

BTW, if you have the Yahoo! Messenger app on your dock, don't you laugh a little when you have to work on your desktop near it? Looks silly. Haha.

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