Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Breaking Dawn: Just break already

The point is, ladies and gentlemen, building a hundred theaters and using 98 of them to show a sad excuse for a vampire film is the stupidest idea I have ever witnessed. Yes, you may gain extra money --  but remember, undermining the respect for the field of cinema where your wealth is built upon resembles treachery and you will be punished!

My insides are so MAD! The cinema is to choose between a movie that involves two of the world's greatest minds and one that was previously a poorly written book that treads upon the lines of bestiality and pedophilia. What do they choose? The latter.

I have read the Twilight series. It was, more than anything else, a feather that can tickle the sweaty armpits of pubescent girls. As luring minds into the pits of stupidity is far more easier than dragging them up the hill of true skill, the book series turned into a popular film franchise.

I do not hate Twilight, I just find it offending that some people think it is a gift from God.

And I laughed so hard my brain almost fell off when I saw the trailer. 

Bella and Edward did it during their honeymoon. Fade out. Then Bella is clutching her swelling uterus, sporting that all-too familiar look, asking why she is pregnant. Woman, it is because you had sex! (But in the first place, it is physiologically impossible to engage in intercourse with a bloodless but alive corpse. Therefore, everything is just wrong!)


I have read a review and now I'm wanting it more. A Dangerous Method does not deserve to be downloaded and viewed on the puny screen of my laptop. I must see Jung and Freud in the cinema. Local movie houses, have a little pride! Your institution gives chance for art with the illusion of motion and sound to be viewed by the public. Show good movies!

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