Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Trying to survive by replaying a few episodes of Friends (especially fueled tonight by a lecture on another Matthew Perry in History class earlier today). What a tiring string of days it has been and I'm so uninspired. Sad =(( I keep watching movies and reading books which definitely means I'm doing less school work. 

Something interesting: I directed a photo shoot for promotional materials for a party I am helping organize! Unfortunately, it's only open to people in my org/course or those who are affiliated so I can't invite everyone but something/s is coming up which will be very exciting and will be open to everyone!

In other news, my phone is being weird so for the past few days I have been unable to receive any SMS messages. There is now enough empirical proof that there is some cosmic incompatibilities between me and telecommunications technology. I can call, send texts but not receive anything.

I'm listening to Bjork and have a face mask on. Stress depletes testosterone so I'm being very girly tonight because I'm stressed out of not having enough drive to do anything (it's tiring being always in the middle).