Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Notebooks and sweaty pigs

I just sent my Chemistry teacher an e-mail. I'm asking about a discrepancy between names for our laboratory activities. It has begun.

As early as now, I am almost certain that this semester will be a lot heavier than the last one. This week is like a practice of the new schedule. I already ran around lost two times sweating like a pig and dropping pieces of optimism. I also frequently stopped to halt the panic attack every time I remember how crammed my schedule is for Mondays and Wednesdays. The two buildings I have consecutive classes at are technically on different planets. How am I supposed to run under time pressure?

I'm not sure if its me or fear talking, but so far, everything has been extremely stressful. But if there is one thing I love about college, its the bearability of it all. Heavy but not the impossible heavy. After tanks of sweat, I might be able to get out of this sem still recognizable!

I'm doing my best on cutting costs because I realized how everything is so expensive and I have to do something about that. 

Learned that by cutting up a Sylvia Plath poem that I really like, I can make my own notebook cover! Ok. Thats not a genius discovery and could have been a stolen from a kindergarten activity book but Sylvia Plath? Come on. Put your hands together. I'm also recycling notebooks from years ago that I have never used. In high school, when I spot a notebook, I buy it without any reason to except I can't imagine myself not having such beauty after the universe decided we meet. I knew it wouldn't be waste! I was like an ant stocking up.

So by deciding to save and staying away from retailers, I get to use notebooks that I bought before because they were of perfect size and paper texture. Perfect! Plus the yellow shade of old paper - heavenly. My pens should thank me.

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