Friday, June 29, 2012

Ateneo LS RecWeek 2012 - and that's a wrap

I don't usually blog about my school and the things that happen in it because I am not that type of blogger but let us make an exception this time because I'm starting my second year in the university and moving on to another year entails a lot of changes.

Here is a letter "e" observed under a LPO microscope. Because of its asymmetry, it is easy to observe the flips the optics of a microscope do to an image. Twice a week I have a four-hour lab with a separate lecture class this semester and they're not all that I'm taking. This is a tough semester.
The Loyola School Recruitment Week (LS RecWeek) is the time for the organizations of Ateneo to seduce entice members of the student body to join. Organizations in the Ateneo share a belief in "the more, the merrier" so RecWeek becomes this fun carnival of people in costumes, dancing to music by Nicki Minaj or that pubescent boys in a band.

It is fun. Organization life in the Ateneo, as a learning experience, is very rewarding and you get to meet a lot of people too!

I joined two organizations because I learned from my freshman RecWeek that it is not about signing up, it's about keeping up and being active.

PMSA was probably the only org I was worthy of membership from last year. I signed up on every registration sheet I could find but ended up not participating - except, of course, in PMSA. As a pre-med student, there is a constant need for inspiration and the PMSA, while doing the public good, offers exactly that: medical missions (where you get to assist doctors), talks (where you listen to doctors) and a lot of mingling with fellow aspiring MDs. Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo is only one of its kind. And my first year with this org was too awesome to not repeat.

I have a blog because I am a frustrated writer and as a frustrated writer, my greatest desire is to get my work read. Well, not really. I'm content with the one-way blabbing I do here. But moving on, I joined The Guidon (pronounced "Guide-on", it was an embarrassing mistake). The Guidon is the official English paper of the Ateneo and of all the issues I have taken from their stands, all the articles were of wonderful quality. Consistent quality everywhere! It's definitely a big thing so the application procedure is not easy at all. So I will try my best to do all the requirements and make it to the deadline alive. If I ever get in, I'll be a happy, busy boy.

I'm really focusing on school this semester. Most of my activities will have some kind of affiliation with the university. Am I learning to focus? Or am I feeling the sharp bite of conscience? I have no idea.

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