Monday, June 27, 2011

Of hate.

I am trying to divest myself of any trace of hate and now I will try to convince myself to believe in a self-made, likely-flawed but calming definition of hate.

photo from here

As cold is the absence of heat, hate is only the absence of love. And everything on this earth is lovable - as love for self is innate and that nothing is too unique to have nothing in common with. We are born to love, with love, on love and we remove it ourselves only when we disapprove.

And sometimes certain people piss us off. Sometimes we hope that the words that define us are in a separate dictionary from those creatures. Sometimes we just can't keep on living thinking that a certain person and ourselves have similarities. Especially when that person can seem like a fugitive from hell, bringer of doom and destruction. The human world works in a funny way.

Therefore, if a person is making you want to rip someone apart, laugh at them. Because again, its just the world joking. Funny, funny world. And when you laugh at them, it will tick them off. All the better.


  1. Interesting insight. Just, wouldn't it be more interesting if the person to whom your self-defined hatred's directed would read this post and get enlightened as to why you want to bring an end to his(or her) reign of doom (in your own words, wanting to rip him or her apart)? Nothing better than a good ol' confrontation (which i love seeing in TV or in movies - some ACTION). Hah. Maybe i'm just more of an aggressive person, or just weird really.

    As to my comment on your definition of hatred, well, according to David Hume, it is something not definable at all, so don't fret, thinking that yours is a flawed one. Hatred is ultimately subject, just like how one copes with it, which in your case, i guess, is by writing about it. Interesting.

    All in all, i think i didn't make sense at all. Hah. Just, to whoever Leo's hating right now, GO TO HELL [insert evil grin/laugh here]. Funny world, indeed, and all we can do really is laugh. Laugh, and let it all out, and end up smiling.


  2. I don't want a confrontation because of the surety of an air of awkwardness after - especially when I am right.

    This hate is because I was given a lacking set of instructions.

    Similar to when you are left in a shore and you swim then punished when no one told you in the first place swimming in the water is a mortal sin. Maybe the flaw is in the lack of exactness - but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be you who took the first offense.

    Its just really annoying and I wouldn't enjoy seeing myself doing something parallel or similar.

    Kudos to the comment! Its longer than the actual blog post. Reminds me of a previous English teacher who carries around a mammoth set of notes for a 12-line poem. =) And you made me smile! =))

  3. PART 1 (of this very long and stupid comment)

    Ah. Just shows how hatred is such a fleeting state. You don't want to permanently hate that person (I mean, who wants to hate someone or something permanently? Unless you're a vegetarian - just makes sense that you'd hate meat/ the act of butchering animals for human consumption forever; or you're allergic to seafood - which will probly trigger your hatred towards either the seafood itself or your parents whose genetic make-up brought about your dilemma [both cases are actually stupid. hah]. But then again, my elaboration of a very simple and direct point ends up in me blabbering and completely obliterating the sense i've so feebly established [notice how this subcomment is even longer than my main points, god i hate myself. hah] )/ you're hoping for a reparation soon enough, hence, calls for the not-wanting-a-confrontation-because-of-the-certainty-of-awkwardness-as-an-aftermath. Makes sense. (I think i just made you lose your train of thought there, destroying the point i'm trying to make in this paragraph. Sorry, i'm weird like that.)

    I like how you assert your correctness. Maybe that's how your aggression works for you. (I just hope that you won't use that against me/ telling me that i'm wrong and you're right, at some point in the future. Hah). Well, since i'm only hearing your side of the story, and as you make it sound as if you're really on the right side, then yeah, i agree. You're right. (i'm that much of a pushover).

    Oh oh oh. I almost forgot. Speaking of awkwardness, I guess i'm just so used to being awkward that it being the possible consequence of a blatant/aggressive act doesn't bother me anymore. I got my anti-awkwardness vaccine early on. Just had to say.

    Swimming. Oh boy. I wish you just didn't use that as a metaphor. For one, i can't swim (even had several near-death experiences just cause of that inability). So if ever i was left alone in a shore, i'd rather eat the sand than swim. If that was your case, maybe you'd think your problem was solved cause you were able to avoid committing the mortal sin of swimming. But no, because eating sand would probly induce weird and disgusting reactions in your body that can potentially put you six feet under the ground. Worse, really. Hah.

    And the point i'm trying to make by saying all these in this comment, from the first "Ah" to the last "Hah", is that YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER COMPARED TO ME AN ENGLISH TEACHER (disclaimer: the statement being all caps doesn't mean i'm mad or that i was offended or something like that. just for emphasis. - and me saying this is just to emphasize my act of emphasis). Number one, if i was an English teacher, then i'd be the worse for i can't make one freaking direct point (as was very well established in this comment). Number two, i've always hated my English subjects and i don't have the patience of an educator, so "English + teacher" is not a good combination for me. Number three, well, there's no number three really, i just had to say "number three" because it feels incomplete without the "number three". Hah.

  4. PART 2 (because blogspot won't let me post a comment more than 4906 characters long. Oh well. Still can't believe i'm writing a comment this long. Damn.)

    ....But at the end of the day, if i want to remain forever anonymous, then i shall never talk about myself again (me talking about myself comprises about 63.76% [just random, don't bother computing.] of what i previously said here). Let's focus on you, just you.

    Like how it makes sense that you don't see yourself doing something like what the person you're hating on right now just did to you. I guess that's exactly why you hated what he/she did to you in the first place, and in turn, you hating him/her. And i'm actually glad that you're not one who would just let someone commit a mortal sin. Really glad.

    One last thing, and what i really really wanted to say in this comment (that's why i put it in the end, to prevent it from being lost in all my nonsensical remarks) - you smile, I SMILE. For real.

    And for emphasis - YOU SMILE, I SMILE.

    (THE END.)

  5. @shades of grey


    And I never compared you to the English teacher. You only remind me of her in the shallowest of ways. The only thing you have in common is the ability to extract a whole school of though out of a miniscule piece of (fail) literature.

    And I'm vegetarian (but already in the process of quitting. Don't want to be too skinny!). I wouldn't take it as a coincidence you mentioned that as an example.

    Ghad. The only thing much more massive than anger without reason is gratitude without direction. Who shall I thank? Damn your vow to be anonymous.

    And would it be a little too cheesy if I told you I feel happy someone is actually spending time commenting on my blog in an eye-opening, friendly manner? By the size of your comments, you really took a time off. That really makes me feel happy. And Loved. lol

    My strong belief of being on the right side of the coin is probably just a consequence of my grave fear that I am all along - wrong.

    The digression actually helps me believe your human in a very positive way. Being direct to the point, especially on these topics, will leave the point standing on air which isn't really the safest way to be. Maybe, the best way to drive home a point is to have a seemingly unnecessary tour around the city <- that sounds really stupid but hey, I believe in it anyhow. And if you really think about it, it is somehow true.

    THANKS shades of gray.

  6. *Here i go again with my two-part comments.
    PART 1:

    "Ability to extract a whole school of thought out of a minuscule piece of ..." You seriously got that out of my gibberish and nonsense? Wow. You make it sound as if it's something i should even be proud of, something that i should be happy about. Now that's something exceptional, your ability to make people feel special, by compelling them to look at things from another angle, from your point of view where things seem to always make sense (still can't get over how you were able to produce sense out of my nonsense. damn.)

    You say you swear we know each other. I say, WHAT IF. What if my vegetarian remark was really just a coincidence? What if it's just a momentary thought, as i guess you now realize that my thoughts have no distinct course or even destination? What if i'm really just a stranger inspired by the sharing of your dispositions?
    On the other hand, what if we really do know each other? What if we're actually running in the same circles? What if i'm actually just in your vicinity, in the same place or room you are in right now, pretending i'm doing something when in fact i'm being "shades of grey"?

    What difference does knowing really make? Does one really have to understand first before he believes? Why can't understanding come after belief?

    I vow to be anonymous for a reason. Well, solving my identity is, in a way, like solving a riddle; as riddles are characterized by clues provided within the metaphorical formation of the text and by always having a definite answer. Normally, the hints should lead you to the realization of the subject of the riddle, but in this mindgame we're playing, the creator of this riddle's main aim is for you to realize that what he wants you to do is not to discover the answer, but instead, enjoy the experience of playing his/her riddle.

    You don't have to thank me. In a way, i'm doing this for selfish reasons. Think of it as me doing this as a form of self-gratification. HOW? Simple, because by making you feel happy, i feel happy too. True, genuine, authentic, priceless joy.

    But if you're really serious about wanting to express your gratitude, i'll just ask one thing from you. SMILE. Keep smiling. That's more than enough for me.

  7. PART 2 (please, just tell me if my comments are starting to be excruciatingly lengthy for you. I'll try to tone down a notch, i'll try. Hah.)

    My dear friend, do not be afraid to be wrong (just be afraid when you're wrong all the time, cause if that's the case, then you got some serious issues. Hah. just kidding.) Do not be afraid to commit mistakes. That's part of life. Perfect discipline, perfect living is not living at all. Well, what i'd be saying next is just cliche, boring, but there's a reason why it's cliche: Just, what's important is that you learn from your mistakes. Well, if you're implying now that there's a possibility that you're actually wrong and the person you're hating is right all along (which may also be the reason why you hate him/her, because you know deep down who's really at fault - just a hypothesis), then that's the first step to embracing the fact that you're not perfect and you, like any human being, can be wrong too. The next step now is to let go of your fear. I don't know to what extent i'll get things right here (and i hate sounding so didactic, for i believe i'm in no position to do so), but i'll still try: Is it possible that you holding on to your belief of being on the right side is drawn from the fear of being judged by others for being wrong? And in turn, you put yourself in such a high pedestal by asserting absolute correctness that now you're afraid that you'll fall back down hard to the ground by admitting that you, can (i'm not saying you are) be wrong?

    If that's the situation, then would it help if i tell you that there are people who are willing to catch you before you hit the ground, and hold your hand or carry you on their backs so as to help you build a pedestal based on the reality of life, held both by your strengths and weaknesses as its foundation? There are people who, despite whatever wrong you do in your life,
    will always believe in you, look at you in the eye and give their best smile, and proudly and with all their heart, call you their FRIEND.

    Let go of your fear. I, as shades of grey, can do only so much, but i assure you, that at this very moment that you're reading this part of my comment, my arms are already stretched as far as they can, ready to catch you. And metaphorically, your hands are intertwined in mine.

    If you tell me you need time before you can truly let go, then alright, that just gives me more time to go to the gym to tone and improve my arms and make them bigger and more efficient for catching you.
    Okay, enough of that falling-catching-arms metaphor, in short, what i'm trying to say is that, I, personally, care for you. I believe in you. So let go. Don't be afraid.

    Indeed, if you want to get to your destination in the least amount of time, then go follow a direct and straight route. But if you actually want to enjoy the ride, then a tour around the city wouldn't hurt.

    About you quitting your abstinence from meat/animal produce, i don't give a damn if you're too skinny or whatever, all that matters to me is that you're happy with what you're doing. Do whatever makes you happy.

    And if i were you, i won't exert too much effort trying to puzzle out my identity. I am shades of grey, no more, no less. I won't say i'm watching over you (cause that would be creepy. seriously. hah.), but rather, i am watching with you.

    XOXO, Gossip Girl <---- HAHAHAHA. I was already about to post this comment when i had this silly epiphany: my shady persona's just like GG's (not really, but yeah, i'm just being idiotic again). Weird. Oh well.

