Thursday, July 24, 2014

Human separation anxiety

It will come to no surprise that my dog is far more stable than I am. In fact, I cling to him (literally) for sanity. 

When my day starts getting messy, I get stressed so I start looking for him just to watch or play with the creature. He is always happy and playful and he always tries to make you happy and playful.

He also likes cuddling in bed because since we got him, he assumed that his thick fur on my face is an appreciated gesture. I've been asthma attack-free for a while but I don't need to breathe when I'm this happy! Let me drown in dog hair. 
I've been away from him before for an extended period of time and it wasn't great. I always just randomly remember him and I start feeling bad for getting a dog and not being 100% there for him. I swear one of the reasons I asked for an extension on my gap year was because I couldn't stand being away from him.

I'm leaving him again this weekend. I don't worry about his safety because he lives in a farm, another person takes care of him here and he has dog friends so he never gets sad but I just get so scared that something might happen to him and I'm not there to get a hold of things. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

I look at my dog like a younger sibling and I have always believed that I didn't get a sibling because I'll be over-protective, with extreme expectations, and I'd always want only the best. The thing is, you can't always have the best. AND I CAN'T STAND THAT. Sometimes, I get mad at myself for just being tired. I'm not always great at handling limitations. 

Anyways. I just can't. I'll miss my dog. That is it. I'll work something out. 

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