Sunday, April 28, 2013

On making a short documentary

I would want a discussion on this rather than transient reading.

I'm planning to undertake making a short video documentary. My editor has given me a story which I can follow through. But I might be too confident for the project because right now I feel ready. Here are the reasons why:

1. I have reached the minimum equipment requirements. 

I have a small 3 CCD camera that records to DV (not HDV) which still works although is definitely a dying format.
I have a Firewire cable and the camera works great with Final Cut Pro.
I have a point and shoot for emergency videos. It can shoot HD.
No tripod.

I have a voice recorder with an omni-directional microphone.
I don't have a boom mic but I intend to avail of one soon.

2. I have a story.

Before you scream poverty porn, it is more than what it seems.

An illegal settlers community nicknamed itself as "waterworld" because their houses stay above water through bamboo poles. The lead is even though they are illegal settlers, a certain group is still able to charge them some sort of "rental fee" which is of course, illegal. I don't really know enough details and I intend to do preliminary research but the story is from a first-hand source. I think I can get something juicy out of that (<- Is this sensationalism?)
3. I have experience.

Sure I haven't been in the news business for at least half a year but I am loving every part of it and I've been able to get sources that other papers in my area did not have. I enjoy the investigation part, doing things under pressure, constant haggling ("give me 10 more minutes I'll give more info! Please!") and unique first-hand experience. My experience with video production goes way back and I've been a self-proclaimed colorist for a while already so I'm familiar with the NLE and the process and the shooting.

After letting all this out, I realized that the only reason I'm putting this out there is because I'm sh*t scared. What if I don't finish making it? What if I get tired of it? What if I lack too many shots? What if my angle is just bad? What if I just can't?

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