Monday, November 12, 2012

Lana del Rey and why prejudice sucks

It is very heartbreaking for me to admit that only a few months ago, I dismissed Lana del Rey as a talentless wannabe and altogether removed her songs from my playlist. If it is right to prejudge an artist or a person in general, Lana del Rey's talent can be easily misunderstood. The brilliance of her songs is just not very apparent upon first contact. It is probably that antipathetic quality in her songs which can be easily mistook as sloth.

Yep, there is also the theory that she is faking her way into the industry with her elegant, all-American glamour look but Lana del Rey does deserve a few more replays and when you start unearthing whatever context from your personal memories that can relate to her songs, you will understand that quality of untouched, almost cruel laid-backness and realize how much you love it.

I can't write music reviews which makes me wonder: What can I actually write?

I have a link to a Grooveshark playlist of four of my favorite Lana del Rey songs (one a remix). Consider it an Introduction to the Appreciation of Lana del Rey. Enjoy! (click here)

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